Norwesco Rectangular Tanks
Availability Key: A=All (excluding Albertville, AL, Washington Court House, OH & Petersburg, TX); B=St.Bonifacius, MN; C=Lancaster, OH; D=Griffin, GA; E=Shawnee, OK; F=Tooele, UT; G=Owego, NY; H=Washougal, WA; I=Sheldon, IA; J=Washington Court House, OH; L=Hanford, CA; P=Petersburg, TX; T=Fairfield, TX; X=Albertville,AL

The loaf tanks are designed for a variety of applications. Its rectangular shape allows for placement within pickup beds or it may be mounted on various equipment trailers for use as a mobile water supply. This line of tanks may also be used in a variety of stationary storage applications.

PCO tanks are well suited for nursery, agricultural and lawn care applications Flat spots are molded into both ends for fitting location. May ship UPS Oversize. PCO tanks are supplied with no fitting.