Instruments & Controls

General Purpose - Pulse: LR20
General Purpose - Pulse: LR20

The general purpose 26 GHz. pulse radar level transmitter provides continuous level measurement up to 65.6’ (20m) with a 4-20 mA signal output, and is configured via its integral push button display module. The non-contact liquid level sensor is intended for chemical storage or process applications in above or below grade tanks of any material. Select this sensor for challenging process conditions with corrosive media, light surface foam or agitation, higher temperature or pressure, condensation or vapor, and installation in a flange fitting. Typical applications include bulk storage and process tanks.

  • 316L antenna with PTFE inner shield for corrosive media
Magmeter: LED Indicator
Magmeter: LED Indicator

The Signet 2580 FlowtraMag is a full-bore plastic in-line style magnetic flow meter. The PVC body with titanium electrodes has no moving parts, and is two to three times lighter in weight compared to traditional metal magmeters on the market. It is designed for high accuracy flow measurement in short pipe runs, making it an ideal solution for industrial applications where performance and simplicity are important.