Float Valve

Filterchem Float-Operated Valves are used for maintaining liquid level in vessels without the need for elaborate and expensive level-monitoring equipment and solenoid valves. This valve is self-operating and will automatically fill a tank as the float is lowered due to evaporation, spillage or liquid drainage. Filterchem Float valves are of molded construction from either Type 1 PVC or natural polypropylene with a natural polypropylene molded float. And contain the following internal components: Viton® o-ring seal, high-density polyethylene piston. Float Valves Controls liquid level in all types of tanks                                                                                                                                                   

• Maximum inlet pressure 1/2” through 1” - 65 psi 1-1/2” thru 2” - 30 psi   • Polypropylene maximum operating temp 180°F PVC maximum operating temperature 140°F